浪漫的情人專屬島嶼,澎湖七美雙心石滬 The fantasy and romantic island for lovers.

雙心石滬退潮時的全景照 The panoramic photo, when the tide ebbed.(by Yao-Ting Chou)


Twin Hearts Stone Weir” is site linked together by two heart-shaped scenic spots, which are located at the Cimeiyu of Penghu archipelago of Taiwan. In fact, the archipelago is located on the western Pacific, and they are made up by a group of island on the western side of Taiwan.


A Spot of Romantic Love
There are a total of 558 stone weirs in Penghu. Cimeiyu has only one stone weir. Of these countless rocks and coral reef, they have, without any awareness, piled up the weir linked up in a heart shape, forming the most beautiful weir on the earth.


Story of The Seven Beauties Tomb
Legend has it that in Ming Dynasty, there were seven ladies who were working nearby in the mountains, and was unfortunately attacked by the pirates; in the end, they could not bear such disgrace and committed group suicide by plunging into the well. Afterwards, residents filled the well with earth, and seven lushly grown catalpa bungei grew later on. Be called “Seven Beauties Tomb”.

雙心和小漁船。任何時候都心心相印呢 Fishing boats and Two hearts beat as one.


Fish-trap by Local Fishermen
Weir is used as fishing traps as accumulated and piled up by basalt and coral reef. The only stone weir on Cimei Island “Twin Hearts Stone Weir” formed as of the accumulations of two romantic heart shapes has attracted countless visitors and lovers to come down, making it to become the classic scenic spot of Penghu.


Show up on the sea twice a day
Based on the changes of tidal waves of the ocean, the twin hearts will show up twice during falling tide. But even in rising tide, one can, as well, vaguely view the beautiful contour of the twin hearts at the distance from the coast. Then, lovers who come down here can enjoy the romantic hours merely for them as they grasp the only few hours to view from distance or walk by the stone weir. 

小婕和雙心的合照 Le-Yu took a photo with twin hearts

穿著自己手工洋裝合照 Yu wore the dress that made by him and next to the stone weir.

穿著洋裝伴著風 Wore my handmade dress and stood on Basalt with the wind.


Landscape of Basalt Geology
Most of the islands at Penghu are of basalt geology. At the periphery, these islands are surrounded by angular basalt rock. All in all, simply no one can escape from the romantic temptation from her.

最後,當然要來張合照 Romantic Couple, Chou & Yu

花也很美喲 Beautiful plants in Penghu


中華民國台灣 - 澎湖縣 - 七美鄉
GPS位置:東經119.432287  北緯 23.208061
GPS location:N23.208061 , E119.432287


謝謝幫忙翻譯的不知名人士,雖然我們有付錢~但還是要謝謝您快速的翻譯,讓周魚在情人節前能完成這篇 ^^


4 意見:

  1. Oh! really a very romantic scenery

  2. That's great, so beautiful and perfect!

  3. 雙心石滬很美,小婕穿著她手工洋裝照片拍得也是超漂亮啦~可惜冬天的澎湖不適合去,沒辦法在現場過情人節,遺憾又可惜啦

  4. Binchif233:42 下午

    The most beautiful places on earth. Nice scenery and story.


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